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Primal Screaming: 5 Unconventional Anxiety-Release Methods

Post by Taislany Gomes • May 15, 2024 • Other

Unconventional anxiety-release methods are generally safer alternatives to medication and other practices. While this isn’t medical advice, it is a good idea to see a doctor before taking part in some of these. From tea to movement, here are some methods that work for people. CBD and Supplements Products Vitamins and minerals play a key role in how you feel and even look. Without enough of them, you can feel tired, cloudy, and depressed. Specifically, B vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin D are essential for looking and feeling better. CBD has also been around for quite some time now and has gained some popularity when it comes to relieving anxiety. CBDistillery and other reputable online CBD retailers offer all kinds of products that can help such as creams, balms and oils. Herbal Remedies and Tea The use of different plants and herbs in tea goes back thousands of years. More […]

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7 Tips to Spend Your Downtime While Travelling

Post by Taislany Gomes • May 10, 2024 • Other

Travelling lets you discover new places, meet new people, and learn so much more about yourself. Whether you spend a month hitting the hot spots or take your time to get the most out of your experience, there are multiple ways to see the world.  And yet, as exciting and fulfilling as travel can be, you aren’t going to spend your entire time seeing cool places. Instead, there will be a lot of transit and waiting around. So how can you maximise this downtime to ensure you feel fulfilled wherever you are?   Catch Up On Sleep  One issue that affects everyone when travelling is the need for more sleep. You want to see as much as possible, so you get up early and go to bed late before doing it again the next day.  However, while you might be able to do this for a few weeks, sleep deprivation will […]

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Beauty Treatments You Should Always Consult a Professional About

Post by Taislany Gomes • August 31, 2023 • Other

Who amongst us hasn’t tried a cheeky at-home hair dye or some adventurous nail art (and regretted it almost immediately)? While a few slip-ups can lead to hilarious memories (or less-than-flattering photos we keep buried deep in our phones), there are certain beauty treatments that really are best left to the pros, so let’s take a look at some of them right now. Laser Hair Removal Trusting a laser to zap away hair sounds like something from a sci-fi film, and as you will undoubtedly know, quite often, the tech in sci-fi movies goes horribly wrong, usually due to us humans. Take the hint and have a professional do your laser hair removal. If you do it yourself and you get it wrong, not only can it lead to skin burns, but the incorrect setting or technique might make you wish you’d kept that fuzz! Chemical Peels That tingling sensation? […]

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