A Feel-Good Formula for Easy Everyday Wellness • Taislany Gomes .

A Feel-Good Formula for Easy Everyday Wellness

Post by Taislany Gomes • September 08, 2024 • Other

Everyday wellness is not something out of reach. In fact, it’s simple to look after yourself more to feel the cumulative effects of medical and holistic health. So, where do you begin? A good foundation is to start with what you can do now, from changing what you eat to turning off tech.

Address Ongoing Medical Issues

First and foremost, wellness begins with personal healthcare. Any medical issues must be addressed, and regular doctor appointments must be kept. This includes dental care, too! Looking after your personal medical care is a great step toward wellness. Of course, you may have ongoing issues such as migraines. Some have found relief from daith piercing for this. Consider seamless rings for a daith piercing that can help with headaches and migraines.

Nourish with Nutrition

Diet is a major contributor to how you look, feel, and even think. Nutritious food with vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients contributes to overall internal health, such as a healthy gut. But they also help keep your heart in good working order. Additionally, healthy food makes your skin glow and keeps your mind sharp. If you experience brain fog, tiredness, and lack of interest, there’s a possibility you aren’t getting enough of the essential nutrients for your mind and body.

Easy Everyday Wellness through Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a word that is thrown about these days. But what does it really mean? According to Google’s AI Overview, it is “the practice of being aware of one’s surroundings and internal states, without judgement or reaction.” There’s a lot to unpack there. Essentially, it is consciously staying in a state of calm. This is tricky but has benefits such as improved self-esteem and lower anxiety. Useful since half of women in the US experience these issues.

Turn Off for Tech-Free Time

It’s almost impossible to get away from technology if you live and work in even a small city these days. As helpful as our smartphones, laptops, and tablets are, they can cause issues in our lives. Doom scrolling, bedtime screen time, and leaving them on when we need to focus are just some examples. Unless there is some emergency reason to leave your devices switched on, you can afford to have tech-free time. Try this for one just hour per night to see the benefits!

Nail Your Evening Ritual

Further to your evening, taking control of it plays a crucial role in modern wellness. When you finish work, the time you have left in the day is yours. Unless you are under some strict contract, evening time to yourself is a human right! A ritual can help make your spare time much more enjoyable and something to look forward to. Maybe it begins with some exercise, then a relaxing bath, followed by a delicious and nutritious meal before winding down as your bedtime nears.


Staying on top of medical issues is a great first step towards easy everyday wellness. Practising mindfulness is a big part of it, too! Using your spare time for evening rituals will help you relax.


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